We couldn't escape in time but there's always room for improvement.
Congratulations Dr. Andy Voter!
Also Congratulations Dr. Andy Voter, Spot Plate Expert!
Cooler than the -80.
Boat Day 2k19
Boat Day 2k19
Boat Day 2k19
Boat Day 2k19 - Jim Keck, Captain of the S.S.B.
New Glarus Group Photo!
Shawn and Aidan on their best behavior...
Merry Keck-mas!
Under close watch by the Mayor of Helicase City
Shawn Laursen, Keck Tech Extraordinaire
Shawn Laursen, Man of Many Faces
Science Nerds + Bucky
The Protein Prep 500. Results may vary.
Boat Day 2k17
Boat Day 2k17